Moria at night

Moria at night

Sunday 10 January 2016

Families and heart break

Maggie will tell her own stories. I have just these.
Last night we worked from 4 until midnight. As darkness fell so did the temperature. The day had been fine and many boats crossed so much so that further tents had to be found in which people could sleep. The UNHCR ran out of blankets and we provided some donated sleeping bags. I sent a young couple with a tiny baby into the night to find somewhere to sleep. I imagined my own children and grandchildren. It is awful.
Earlier a man had come for dry shoes, so I thought. He pushed forward a boy of perhaps ten and I found shoes and socks. I turned to help the man and another small boy was put in front of me. This went on until all five sons had been found shoes. The man's feet were clearly wet but he refused help; what a great Dad, fine man.
A couple spoke to me in very good English (mostly it is sign language and the odd word) and they showed me their son's bare feet. I was lucky enough to find some shoes with cartoon characters; the little boy was delighted, they were from his favourite film. Father was a pharmacist and hoped to find work in Germany. I fear for countries who are driving away their best people like this. 

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